About Us
Hi, I'm Tess. I'm plural, which means we're multiple individuals in one head. To refer to us collectively, you can call us Tess. This page is designed to clarify any frequently asked questions regarding who we are.
What is being plural like?
Each system's (the term for a set of individuals occupying the same head) experience of plurality is highly distinct. My answer to this question is my own, don't mistake my experience as universal.
If you have an inner monologue, you already know the sensation of narration in your head. Plurality is like that for us, except it's an inner dialogue. We can have full conversations internally. Usually, only one of our identities, known as a headmate, is in control of our body at once. A headmate who's interacting with the external world is said to be fronting.
Headmates are quite distinct from each other. Each headmate's voice is different and each headmate has distinct personality traits and quirks. Gender, age, appearance and species can also vary.
Systems with a mind's eye may be able to visualize each headmate in headspace, essentially an imaginary space where headmates can exist and interact. This is useful for various reasons, including feeling grounded in our identities, and orienting ourselves out of dissociative hazes.
For more about plurality, check out morethanone.
This is completely different than my lived experience and I don't understand it at all.
That's not a question, but understandable. Many people who aren't plural have told us how strange this all sounds. I'm not asking to be understood, but I would like to be respected. There's so much nuance that I cannot possibly describe all the complexities of plurality in one webpage. If it helps, I cannot fathom what it would be like to not be plural.
What should I call you?
If you're referring to us collectively, then call us Tess, and use she/they/it pronouns. To refer to one of us individually, use their name and pronouns (but don't worry about this if you don't know us well enough to know specific headmates). Calling us "y'all" is fine. Calling us "you" is also fine.
Do you like being plural?
Yes, though in our case there's a lot of pain and trauma it comes with. I don't love that. But I do love the people I share my head with. There's a special sort of bond that comes with sharing your entire life with others. It's easy to trust them with your life because it's their life too. As difficult as this life can be at times, I'm glad to share it with my headmates.
We make music under the name A Photograph of God here.
Our RYM is thetessellation